Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Prom Dress Hold Up!

This a picture of me from my senior year of High School.I want to be able to put this dress on and have to hold it up to keep it from falling off. 80lbs. in 8 months. Here we go!


So, here lately, I have been hardcore slacking. I have not been sticking to anything that I wanted to do and because of it, I am at least ninety percent positive that I have gained weight instead of losing it. Fabulous. This is now the reason, I have logged back onto this wonderful blog. I have had to re-evaulate my life. Let me give you a little insight.
I will be twenty-one years old in September. I have yet to obtain a college degree and I am still overweight. This is NOT how I envisioned my life by twenty-one. Luckily, this little newsflash has helped me in a way. I know what I want to do with me life now and, let’s be honest, that is the real reason I didn’t make it far in college. I never knew what I wanted to do. I knew my strengths, and my passions, I just didn’t know how to apply them to a career. I think, no, I know what I want to do now. I want to be on Youtube. Can’t you imagine it? ShelbieRyanne, Youtuber. I’ll still be a photographer, it’s a passion I won’t let die, but for now, it has to take a backseat. These are my dreams and I will accomplish them and one other, MY WEIGHT!
I said this in my very first post on here, I’m tired of being the “fat girl”. I say that a lot and act like there is someone out there who is going to sweep in and magically take the weight away and I’ll never have to worry about it again, but this is reality and that most definitely is not. I’m going to have to work at it for my entire life. Let’s face it, I am not one of those girls that just eats and eats and never gains a pound. I will always have to watch what I eat and exercise accordingly. I have realized that, and come to terms with it. It’s my realization of this fact that has kicked my butt into gear! Well, that and my brothers wedding in September. I have set alarms on my phone to remind me to work out, cut soda out of my diet, taken to drinking a gallon jug of water and day, and portioned my food. I will succeed this time. I will lose this weight. I am determined. I am not going to be to the fat girl.

A Weigh To Go.

I know what you’re thinking. “Oh Great! Another weight loss blog.” Yes, here I am, adding yet another blog about a one girl’s journey to skinny side of the store. But, I am writing this solely for me. I am a writer. It’s one of my passions, only outweighed (haha) by my passion for photography. I feel like writing about my goals will make them more real to me. I have said I wanted to lose weight for years now and have yet to do it. I always pick doing something else over getting myself healthy. But, hey, thats today’s youth for you right? You see, now things are different. I don’t want to be the only 20 year old at the beach in a one piece. I don’t want to be the girl who can’t fit into anything anymore. I don’t want to be the girl who is afraid to date because I don’t know what he’s thinking about my weight. I want to be thin. I want to be able to walk around a High waisted denim shorts with a button-up collared tank top tucked into them and not have to worry about if my belly pooch shows. I don’t want to go into stores anymore and wonder if I’m going to have to go to the plus size department just to find anything that fits me. More importantly, and before I say this let me add that I am not engaged, nor want to be for a while, but when I’m shopping for that perfect dress, I don’t want to limit my selection to the dresses that can be made in plus size or a shape that flatters a bigger girl. I am not saying there is anything wrong with being “thick and proud”, but I am put up with clothes not fitting me, guys not liking me, and self-consciousness for far too long now. If I can change all these things, then why don’t I? Laziness, that’s why. Today, that’s all going to change. I am becoming a new person. I am changing old habits and forming new ones. I am done always being the fat girl.